
JayMo is a scripting language for the Java-VM.
It is kept slim and simple, it's strongly object-oriented and functional.
JayMo is particularly suitable for small applications, with or without a graphical user interface.

Idea, implementation & development: Michael Nitsche (DE, Übersee)


Hello World

Print "Hello World!"
"Hello World!".print


Command Line Interface (CLI)


Random number:

Random.newInt( 1, 10 )

Dot before line, brackets & priorities:

(3 + ( 5 + 4 * 7 ) / 2 - 1).print

Classic notation:

Print 3 + ( 5 + 4 * 7 ) / 2 - 1

Chaining of functions:

[ 6, 9, 2, 8 ].sort.reverse.implode( '-' ).print

Changing and filtering lists:

[ 9, 7, 3, 8 ].map( each * 2 ).filter( each >= 10 ).print

Read file:

File( "demo.txt" ).lines.each.trim.caseDown.left( 3 ).print

Embed shell command:


Graphic Swing-Application:

main = Swing_Main
button = Swing_Button( "Click me!" )
main.add( button )
main.setSize( 400, 300 ).setTitle( "Hello world" ).run